Adult Social Care Market Position Statement
Sets out our vision for care and support services within Somerset
The Care Act 2014 sets out the law around market development in adult social care. Section 5 sets out duties on local authorities to facilitate a diverse, sustainable high quality market for their whole local population, including those who pay for their own care and to promote efficient and effective operation of the adult care and support market as a whole.
Our current Market Position Statement sets out our vision for care and support services within Somerset. The Market Position Statement is designed to help set out:
- How we see Somerset changing, how we are ambitious in responding to that change, and what it means for our customers and for our market
- How we are changing our approach in responding to both opportunities and challenges, and what you can expect from the Local Authority and our partners
- What we will want more of, less of, what different things we will want, and what we expect from you
- How we can continue to connect and involve the people of Somerset in all we say and do, now and into the future.
We will:
- Focus on the people of Somerset, not on organisational boundaries
- Help people to live a good life, remaining well and independent for as long as possible
- Invest more in prevention, with locally-provided care and support wherever feasible
- Move away from traditional bed-based models of care, whilst ensuring care homes are equipped to deal with specialist and future need.
- Embrace innovation and technology to enable significant transformation in the care that is delivered
- Enable conversations that focus on people’s strengths
- Promote greater self-involvement and management to ensure people remain in control of their own care and support and are ambitious in setting their own goals
- Work collaboratively with local communities, the voluntary sector, our health partners and care providers to pool collective resources and develop solutions together that enhance quality of life and promote independence
- Prioritise specialist care for those with the most complex needs when other options are no longer appropriate
- Commission new forms of accommodation and support to reduce reliance on traditional residential care and promote independent living.
Please see also our Adult Social Care Commissioning Strategy
Somerset’s Care Provision
Older people (65 plus) Care Home market
Home Care 65+
18 plus Domiciliary Care market
Housing with Care (Extra Care Housing)
Learning Disabilities and Autism
Mental Health
Intermediate Care / Community Reablement
Micro Provision
Personal Budgets and Direct Payments
Unpaid Carers
Somerset Independent Living Centres (SILCs)
Technology Enabled Care (TEC)