Reconditioning Resource from the Public Health Team
As many of you are aware the Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on our ageing population across Somerset, we have seen not only a peak in deconditioning, but also increased social isolation and loneliness.
To aid both professionals and older people, we have produced a resource, which aims to highlight a range of services and organisations that can be accessed to encourage physical activity both at home and out in the community.
Some of the services will require a referral from a health professional, others are free to attend; however, all groups have the potential to support adults to improve strength and balance leading to improved mobility and the reduction of falls.
Linked is a digital copy of this resource, hard copies are available on request. If you would like to request hard copies of this resource, please email with the following details;
Email Address:
Postal Address:
Number of copies (nearest unit):
We need confirmed orders by the 13th December 2021 and we would appreciate it if you could share with other colleagues across your networks.
We will look to commission another print run in a couple of months if there is demand.