RESTORE2 Physical Deterioration Management and Escalation – Mini eLearning Module Now Available
South West Academic Health Science Network is proud to be working with Blue Stream Academy to launch online RESTORE2mini free training for every care professional
RESTORE2 is a life-saving physical deterioration and escalation tool, used in nursing and care homes throughout the UK. RESTORE2mini online training enables care home and domiciliary care professionals to gain new deterioration management skills and improved knowledge and understanding of the people for whom they care.
South West AHSN is pleased to present this important, free of charge, RESTORE2mini training resource for all carers to help provide better care across health and care environments. It’s available to access at any time – 24/7.
For more information, or to register for free access, please click here.
Please don’t forget to register for the South West Care Home Network event (for all providers and care home staff) and the Managing Deterioration event (for all non-acute and acute settings).
We will be presenting to Care Homes and Carers all about the new RESTORE2 mini eLearning opportunity at these events.