Care Provider Survey Feedback – 2023
In May 2023, we sought feedback from Somerset Care Providers regarding their views and experience of the support provided by the wider health and care sector, and the key elements they feel remain priorities for the system to consider and respond to.
Based on respondent feedback, the survey indicated that:
- Overall, 73% of local providers feel ‘well’ or ‘very well’ supported by the local health and care system. This was especially the case for home care providers who made up 37% of this cohort.
“Having worked with other Authorities I can honestly say Somerset are the best for joint working including providers in decision makings, inviting us to participate in new initiatives and actively helping with recruitment.”
- The main feedback amongst less satisfied providers indicated frustrations with having available bedded capacity that is not being utilised, unrealistic fee levels, as well as poor response times from some health services (GPs, 111 and 999). Two thirds of providers reporting feeling ‘very poorly supported’ were Nursing Homes in Somerset.
- In terms of what is working well in relation to the support provided to care providers locally, most commonly referenced feedback centred on good communication and engagement opportunities including webinars, briefings and co-production opportunities, positive working relationships across system partners, being able to access help and advice when required, and the work of key teams (such as sourcing care, quality assurance, primary care networks and LARCH).
“The local health and care system shows a fair understanding of the issues, costs and barriers to providing a compliant and regulated service. From talking to other providers in different localities we feel Somerset offers better support than many others”
“Establishing a good working relationship is important and to be able to trust the systems in place. Our relationship with Sourcing Care and the Quality Assurance team are excellent”
- Most commonly referenced areas for improvement identified by care providers related to a need to improve the responsiveness and accessibility of Council social workers (timely reviews and re-assessments), communication from hospitals to support effective admission or discharge arrangements, and enhancing information about how to access the breadth of services/support now available locally with key contact details. Other areas included improving access to GPs, mental health and dentists for their clients/residents.
“Quicker reassessments of needs as our concerns and needs for enhanced care packages to meet rapidly changing needs are not always approved until reassessment which causes sometimes unwanted hospital admissions”
“It would be good to be given a guide as to all the support available and how to access it”
- As businesses, care providers commonly highlighted a need to support recruitment and retention of staff through better rates of pay/a fair cost of care. They were also keen to benefit from more clinical or specialist training opportunities locally and secure more equity with the NHS.
“Support with increased funding to enable us to pay a better rate of pay to staff – to ensure we have enough people looking to join our workforce”
“Recognition for staff including staff terms and conditions equal to NHS staff e.g. pensions and sick pay, access to NHS learning and libraries to study. Being treated as a equal”
The feedback is being used to our wider work to support and respond to the needs of our care market.